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If you're gonna leave, you might as well go somewhere cool. Peep these sights.
Burning Down The House
- great book on creating digital music.
Patriot X
- Patriot X provides a clearinghouse for alternative information, viewpoints, and discussion about America and the War in Iraq (and beyond).
Mr. T!!!
: 'I pity the fool!'
: 'I pity the fool!'
Honkey Threads
: poking fun at honkeys
: Directory of skateboarding and related topics
: info about many different skate parks
C.H.U.N.K. 666
: Inspiration for the Chunk story
Art Crimes - the writing on the wall
: Good collection, a little bulky
Ideograf Creative Services
: Great Web design
: Damn good site for tech info
Sarah's haiku:
behind the silence
lurks 'mows the box' monster
eating up the noise